Communication Strategy
Not communicating communicates something
"Good communication is the bridge between confusion and clarity"
Before London Mentors
A global bank was implementing RPA in financial crime. Whilst the technical engineers and people in the inner circle understood the changes, it was a challenge explaining it to non-technical stakeholders across a variety of regions and languages. There were multiple programmes running in the portfolio and the aim was to inform employees of how fraudulent transactions are identified, assessed and approved by robots using complicated mathematical modelling and algorithms.
After London Mentors
We designed the communications strategy and changed the medium of communication. The regular newsletter was scrapped. Instead of trying to educate stakeholders on automation and technical jargon, we made videos using animation and visual aid to explain the difficult concepts in a simple and fun-to-understand format. The short videos were a hit, people digested the information much more easily and retained the knowledge. It also reduced the workload of testing the stakeholders to check their understanding.
​After the success of this new method of communication, the bank had set up a digital team to design and create videos for communicating messages and changes within the organisation.