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lean training

What is Lean?

Pioneered by Toyota, adopted by other Japanese manufacturers, discovered much later by Western manufacturers and known by many names; Toyota Production System, Just-In-Time production and Flow production. Lean aims to improve efficiency in an organisation by eliminating waste, optimising processes and implementing effective ways of working. Whilst it reduces cost, it also helps increase revenue as it gives firms a competitive edge on cost as well as speed to market. 

A five phased scientific method for improving existing process problems with unknown causes. This is just one of the tools available in Lean to deliver improvements. 
LEAN includes the following tools and methods:
- SIPOC, Swimming Lane & Fishbone Diagrams
- Efficient Process Flows
- Voice of Customer/CTQ Deliverables
- Measurement Planning
- Statistical Analysis
- Pareto Charts

Our Lean training is personalised, we can either deliver the full training or only cover selected tools and methods needed to solve specific problems. 


Lean training prepares specialist in your firm who can solve their own problems, it allows organisations to embed continuous improvement, resulting in cost reduction and improved efficiencies. One of our best result has been a 20% reduction in Operational cost

What is stopping you from reducing your cost? Drop us a message, we will put you directly in contact with the Trainer and you can ask as many questions as you wish. 

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