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Growth challenges & the Art of diplomacy

As a company grows, employees who were once junior are promoted to higher ranks, they gain status, power and financial rewards. They are given more responsibility, which includes managing and leading people. Different roles require different approaches and the higher up you go the more imperative it becomes to transform yourself.

The art of diplomacy is imperative as a person climbs through the corporate hierarchy, fortunately in Europe and especially in the UK we are cognizant of cognitive as well as emotional development of our workforce. Organisations realise the importance of managing employees tactically in order to serve the best interest of both parties, that is employers as well as employees. This is why organisations send their leaders away on various seminars, lectures and days away to business schools in order to fine tune their emotional intelligence. When they return, they are often, although not always, able to better understand people and how to tackle problems sincerely and with integrity. This allows an organisation to weather the storms, whether it is economic recessions or disruptive competitors. Subsequently, the leaders are able to create a robust foundation, embed the right behaviours and offer people a sense of belonging, which creates loyalty and gives people the enthusiasm to run through walls for you. In other words, issues such as staff attrition become insignificant, and a happy workforce not only becomes more productive but since they are invested in the success of the company, they end up contributing new ideas and ways of doing business, which means the company becomes innovative at its core. You can’t take a company like that down easily come recession or lockdown.

To conclude, mind growth is very important in organisation and for long-term sustainable growth. How do you get mind growth? Well, it can’t be downloaded and you can’t a home delivery either. Since we are in the business of providing training, we are bound to say get training and it is true that this is the best and most efficient way of achieving the growth but if your organisation does not have or willing to allocate budget for such activities then at the very least you should be having such discussions

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