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Strategy Consulting

Developing solutions for the future

Welcome to your one-stop solution for all your business needs.

As part of our Strategy Consultancy, we offer more than just advice, we turn blue-sky thinking into tangible business objectives and prepare strategy execution delivery plans with our clients. We work across industries, which allows us to share the best practice and ensure that we build a cutting edge innovative business strategy every time.  
Thanks to our decades of experience and continuous improvement, we have mastered our practices to a science and know exactly how to design a custom strategy just for your business that will lead to tangible benefits. Our transformation management office will know how to provide superior brand strategy consulting, IT strategy consulting, strategic planning consulting, M&A strategy consulting and growth strategy consulting.

Organisation Consulting


Our goal is to deliver the best strategy for your organisation. Foremost propositions include designing organisational structures and corporate governance, assessing organisational competitiveness, developing human capital strategies and supporting strategic change management programmes. Functional Strategy involves the development of strategic plans and roadmaps for organisational departments, which can range from sales & marketing to finance, HR, supply chain or IT.


Our specialty?

Help organisations identify the path and direction forward. 

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The Inevitable Cycle

The Economy provides new opportunities even as the markets crumble under pressure. A downturn in the market provides the opportunity to gain market share and attract new customers that you could only benefit if there is additional capacity in order to meet demand. 

An experienced strategic planning consultant will allow you to exploit these opportunities and maximise your returns.

Why is Strategy important to Businesses?

Strategy defines your business, it provides purpose and direction for the leaders and employees. Running a business without a constructive strategy is like jogging with a poor posture; it is dangerous and wasteful. If you would like to optimise your assets and maximise your ROI, the right strategy provided by experts in the field will help you achieve this. Of course, change saturation is also a risk if excessive change is imposed too quickly.  Strategy consulting involves analysing an organisation's core competency, capability and external environment. Multiple options are assessed and a direction is picked. Often the end result is Revenue growth or Cost reduction. There are countless side benefits delivered in this process which vary from innovation to operational efficiencies. 

Examples of Strategy work include:


  • What is our long-term vision?

  • How shall we achieve growth?

  • How do we improve our Profit margins?

  • How do we remain relevant?


  • What Strategy consultancy does London Mentors provide?
    There are many connotations of the word Strategy and as you have probably guessed it, the word is often misused to describe delivery of a particular benefit such as a CRM strategy or a Process improvement strategy. We do that too but we also do the actual Business strategy; the Macro level of where you are in the economy and where you ought to be. The same strategic consultancy being provided by McKinsey and BCG but ours is within the reach of medium size businesses.
  • How to grow a small or medium size business?
    They are numerous ways to achieve growth, it primarily depends on your internal Strengths and market opportunities. The small scale does present natural strengths such as the intimacy of teams and ability for quick response to change in market whereas the larger firms have to jump through rounds of Governance reviews and approvals before obtaining the permit to change direction. A smaller firms could carry out experiments quickly and at a reduced cost, therefore the ability to diversify products or services is vast. Firms also forget to make use of economies of scale, therefore cost reduction is overlooked. The reason large firms make it bigger is because they don’t take it upon themselves to do everything, instead they invest the extra profits to hire experts who help them deliver even larger profits.
  • Ethical Revenue VS Unethical Revenue
    Ethical revenue is honest income, money generated by selling your product or service. Unethical Revenue is income generated through immoral practices. There are many examples, one of the most popular methods is to reduce the lifespan of a product, which forces repeat purchase. It delivers short-term Revenue uplift but also leads to consumer grudge, which impedes long-term growth. This practice became popular when the light bulb was invented, a group of producers got together and decided that reducing the number of hours on a bulb would deliver income growth and it did. Since then, it has infiltrated almost every industry. It leads to destruction of finite resources of the planet but unfortunately the management is held responsible by the shareholders to deliver the same growth as their competitors. Nobody investigates to see how the growth being benchmarked is being delivered. Therefore, even the ethical executives are forced to convert or risk being replaced.
  • Could a mature business grow again?
    Let’s understand why a business matures first. A business can hit the maturity curve for numerous reasons, one of the most factors is that the leaders have their heads buried deep in the BAU (Business as Usual) world. Their creativity is shackled by the day-to-day running of the business. Also, they were at the cutting edge of new thinking when they first started in the business but over the years have not had the time to focus on personal development and have also become detached from the countless advancements in the world. At first one does not realise that they are falling behind and often it is not easy to admit that they have peaked but take comfort in knowing that like age it happens to everyone. You can grow your business again by either rejuvenating yourself or if you are short on time procure fresh thinking by hiring a management consultancy.
  • How long does it take to create a strategy?
    Creating a Strategy requires understanding of your business and the market. It can take from a few weeks to a few months in creating a new strategy or modifying an existing strategy, the progress depends on the maturity of your organisation as well as the resources allocated towards this initiative.
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